Youth Welfare Programme

Smt. Coomiben Babubhai Shah Tarun Sadan – The Hostel

  1. Transition hostel run by Vinimay Trust for homeless boys coming out of the CWIs
  2. Commenced operations in 1999
  3. Located at Kopar Khairane, Navi Mumbai
  4. Need for the hostel arose as existing Child Welfare Programmes look after destitute children only upto age of 18
  5. Boys leaving the CWIs not able to manage their own life all by themselves due to sociological, psychological and educational handicaps
  6. Vinimay assists these boys with free or subsidized living accommodation, job placements, medical assistance, housing loans, higher education and help in personal crises.
  7. The objective is to groom the youth into well adjusted, mature, economically independent citizen; eliminate social/psychological handicaps, develop positive personality, and uplift them above subcritical economic level.
  8. Tarun Sadan can accommodates about 50 boys
  9. Tarun Sadan has been home to many boys who have nowhere to go after being discharged from the CWI
  10. The first phase of Tarun Sadan, constructed at a cost of Rs. 30 lakhs was inaugurated in May, 1999.
  11. The second phase was inaugurated in June, 2008

Services to the hostellers

  1. Care, supervision and guidance by residential superintendent.
  2. Simple facilities including stay, food, clothing, medical aid.
  3. Subsidized charges based on the salary earned by the hostellers.
  4. Academic & technical education to improve earning capacity.
  5. Job placement.
  6. Guidance for interaction with community.
  7. Counseling & grooming for emotional maturity and stability.
  8. Family-like atmosphere giving the youth a sense of belonging.
  9. Documents – Pan card, Aadhar card, Voter id., Bank account
  10. Family tracing
  11. Average period of stay: 3 to 4 years.
Boarding and Lodging
  1. Each boy admitted to Tarun Sadan is given a kit consisting of essential clothing and other materials.
  2. Boys are given simple and tasty food prepared within Tarun Sadan. The quantity is unlimited, considering the age and the energy spent in travel and work.
  3. Two part time cooks prepare the food at Tarun sadan kitchen with the help of boys.
  4. Two resident managers supervise the activities of Tarun Sadan as well as provide a very effective link between the boys and Vinimay Volunteers.
Medical Expenses
  1. Boys admitted to Tarun Sadan are given free medical checkup, including blood test, chest X-ray, etc.
  2. Medical insurance is taken for each boy and Vinimay pays for any medical expenditure incurred by the boys.

Tarun Vinimay


  1. Informal Alumni Network set up by Vinimay Trust for boys and girls leaving CWIs and Tarun Sadan
  2. Activities of Tarun Vinimay:
    1. Regular contact meetings
    2. Assistance for accommodation and job placement
    3. Loans
    4. Medical Support
    5. Assistance in getting employment
    6. Facilitating marriages
  3. An annual programme is also conducted to provide a platform for the boys to show their talents and share their experience with other boys.

There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone's life.

Sister Mary Rose McGeady